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Media Entertainment Tech Outlook | Monday, September 30, 2019
Hybrid Content Distribution Network promotes content-delivery-as-a-service model, transforming the content distribution and offering long-term business benefits.
FREMONT, CA: Powered by the advanced Content Delivery Network (CDN) and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) technologies, Hybrid Content Distribution Network (HCDN) offers flexibilities and full control to the content providers over content creation and distribution channels. The hybrid content distribution solution brings in shared platforms to the content developers while eliminating the need for sharing storage/ machines/ servers with any other websites on the same platform. Today, organizations and companies are rapidly implementing their own private or hybrid content delivery network, which offers them the flexibility to plan and deploy additional features according to their businesses’ need. Hybrid solutions provide numerous advantages to the digital age content providers and help them face complex content distribution challenges.
Deploying the hybrid content distribution networks that use cloud can prove to be a brilliant decision for the content providing organizations. Cloud-based content distribution platform can bring practical solutions for storage and seamless computation. The hybrid content distribution networks take advantages of geographical availability and pay-as-use model of cloud platforms. The cloud integrations in HCDN promote content-delivery-as-a-service cloud model, addressing the challenges of managing numerous distribution channels with accurate content delivery instantly. Cloud offers high security and optimized solutions to collaborate and develop a safe, simple, straightforward solution for content hosting and delivery. The implementation enables different payment options for services with easy participations facilities for consumers.
Hybrid CDN promises content accessibility, from anywhere and anytime with perfect content loading speed. The advanced CDN uses distributed nodes and delivers content faster to the end-users. The hybrid strategy for CDNs eliminates the issues of web server location for accessing or providing content. Hybrid CDN ensures connection speed for both the average and peak times of customer engagement. The on-premise solutions and operational facilities allow content providers to analyze user traffic patterns, which are collected while delivering services through the same hybrid platforms. The smart analytics help content providers measure customer experiences and optimize their business infrastructure. The intelligent content distribution solutions offer the organizations a perfect balance between services and costs and put efforts to achieve traffic expectations.
Filling up the gap between users and content providers, hybrid CDN offers media and entertainment industry' growth in the global market. The advanced CDN allows transformation in the content delivery organizations by streamlining customer demands with predictive analytics, improvising content quality for different channels, and building interactive customer platforms. The evolving hybrid technology develops secure digital infrastructure for the organizations, which inter-connects with different segments and efficiently collects content information on demand. The highly optimized solutions by hybrid content distribution network reduce the downtime and make the organizations’ website more scalable. Streamlining the content distribution channels brings high competition and boosts the content providers from different geographical regions. The cost-effective yet high-tech content distribution channels of today' era, allow the content providers from separate geographic area to expand their customer base and enter the global media and entertainment market. The introduction of numerous content distribution channels offers a clear understanding of present market positions, which benefits the organizations manage business risk and make strategic decisions. Organizations continue to explore clear solutions provided by the hybrid content distribution network, to gain website speed, avoid latency, and manage multiple channels for content delivery.
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